We provide a comprehensive guidance service to meet the various personal, academic and career issues that may concern students and their families.
Form Teacher
The first link in our guidance network is the Form Teacher. All students are assigned to a form class and their Form Teacher is the first point of reference. This teacher has special responsibility for the welfare and progress of the students in his/her class. Routine notes about absence, health matters, etc. should be addressed to the Form Teacher.
Deans are assigned to each year level. They allocate students to Form Classes, confirm courses of study, counsel students and manage discipline processes.
Guidance Counsellor
The Guidance Counsellor may be contacted directly by students, parents or caregivers on any matter – academic, career or personal. All Guidance Counsellors are bound by a code of confidentiality.
Careers Adviser
Students at any level may gain careers directions from the Careers Adviser.
Health Nurse / Visiting Doctor
There is a Registered Nurse available daily and students may make appointments to see the nurse or the doctor. A Physiotherapist is on site once a week for sports injuries, appointments to be made with the nurse or PE Department. This service is free to the student.
Peer Support
The Peer Support programme is based on the principle that people absorb information, values and guidance from trusted others.
Year 13 students are trained to act as group leaders to small groups of Year 9 students. Through this programme:
- Senior students gain opportunities for self-development.
- Year 9 students gain a supportive environment in which to develop their individuality.