Zeal – The Home of Young Creatives

26 February 2016 The students were hyped when Zeal showed up at lunch time on Friday. It was a chance for Zeal to strut their stuff with the latest beats and spot prizes and to give a taste of what they are about. Zeal’s goal is to provide every young New Zealander with the opportunity […]

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Back to School Welcome

4 February 2016 A Powhiri was held this morning at our Marae Panuku to warmly welcome our Year 9 students and their families to the Henderson High School Community. We hope that the students and their families feel welcome at any time on our Marae and also in our Whare, Te Puawai Rangatahi. Our new […]

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In Zone Enrolment Interviews For 2025 Year 9 Students

A reminder for year 9 students living in our school zone and enrolling to start in 2025. For those students who have completed the online pre-enrolment process there will be an open enrolment session tomorrow, Thursday 1 August starting at 2pm, with the last appointment at 6.10pm.Β  Appointments will be approximately 20 minutes long. Those […]

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Senior Prizegiving for Year 12 and 13 students

We are pleased to invite you to view the livestream of our Year 12 & 13 Prizegiving Ceremony today. This event gives us an opportunity to recognise students who have achieved high academic success and contributed to school life in 2023. Please join us online from 1pm using this link: https://youtube.com/live/2ZVok-mLX0o?feature=share […]

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Open Day 2023

It was wonderful to welcome our community to our Open Day last month. This event is always a highlight for staff and students and gives us an opportunity to showcase our students’ talents and skills. Once again the turnout was amazing and the feedback we received validates the fantastic work of our students and endorses […]

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Assessment Week

Assessment Week is in full swing and students are enjoying the opportunity to focus on one subject per day while earning NCEA credits. Our Level 1 Hospitality students spent the day honing their culinary skills and creating delectable treats. A great bonus for staff when we get to sample their work! Thanks to Ms Lodge […]

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Online Learning Update

18 August 2021 While we are in Covid Alert Level 4, we must all remain at home. Online lessons will be provided from Thursday 19 August. Here is the schedule of lessons available, and resources will be provided through Google Classroom. For full details go to this link – Online Delivery August 2021 […]

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