Polyfest 2018

7 March 2018 Excitement is building for Ngā Taiohi o Panuku, our Kapa Haka group as they prepare for Polyfest 2018.  Lunchtime and after school practices are in full swing and we are proud of all our students who have dedicated many hours and are committed to perfecting their performance skills.  A huge thank you […]

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6 March 2018 Our students represented Henderson High School with pride at the Central Western Zone Athletics competition at Mount Smart Stadium yesterday. Our students specialities were High Jump, Discus, Long Jump, 100m, 200m, 1500m and 3000m. Special congratulations to Year 9 Hayley who not only came first in the Junior section of the 3000m, but […]

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First Foundation

14 February 2018 We would like to thank First Foundation and the Ministry of Youth Development who have awarded Year 13 Faithful with a place in their two year mentoring programme, Foundation Steps.  Faithful will have access to a personal mentor to help her navigate the transition into university, access to personal and professional workshops […]

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Swimming Sports

20 February 2018 It was blue skies all round as our students took to the water for our annual Swimming Sports Carnival on Friday. The competitive swimmers took to the pool first, followed by the entertaining events of the house carnival. It was great to see so much talent, student involvement and support. The afternoon’s […]

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Year 9 Welcome

1 February 2018 Our Year 9 students were full of enthusiasm as they were welcomed to Henderson High School with a pōwhiri this morning. There were lots of smiles, and friendships reconnecting, as the students met their new classmates and teachers and were shown around the campus by our Year 13 Peer Mentors. We are […]

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Junior Prizegiving 2017

25 January 2018 For those about to start your high school journey as Year 9 students, you will be starting to think about your goals for 2018. We celebrate success at Henderson High School in a variety of ways, including recognising high achievement at our end of year Prizegiving. For our Year 10 and 11 […]

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Photographic Competition Winner

22 January 2018 The Waitakere Central Community Arts Council held the Trusts Art and Sculpture Awards Exhibition at the Corban Estate Art Centre in December. A big congratulations to our talented photographer, Year 10 student Henry, who was awarded first prize in the 13 -18 year old Art and Photography Category, for his photographic entry […]

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2018 Start Dates

School start dates for 2018 are as follows: Year 9: Thursday 1 February ~ 9am to 2pm Friday 2 February ~ 8.45am to 3.05pm – All school on full timetable Year 10: Friday 2 February ~ 8.45am to 3.05pm – All school on full timetable Year 11: Friday 2 February ~ 8.45am to 3.05pm – […]

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2017 Leavers

30 November 2017 NCEA Exams are complete! For some that means a break from school for the summer, for our Year 13 students it signals the start of a new chapter. Whether they plan further study or work, the completion of their high school journey is an exciting time. It marks both an ending and […]

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