Athletics Day

We were delighted to have our annual Athletics Day at the Trusts Stadium last week and everyone had fun representing their house and competing on the day. Congratulations to Orange house for earning the most points and winning this year’s competition. A huge thank you to Mr Beeston and our PE Department for all their […]

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Year 9 Welcome

We were delighted to welcome our year 9 students and their whānau to a Pōwhiri on their first day of school this year. It is great to see all of our students back now and into their full school timetable. Our new students are settling into their classes and getting to know their way around […]

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2021 Start Dates

2021 Start Dates Wednesday 3 February 10.00 am Course confirmation for Year 13 students 12.00 pm        Course confirmation for Year 12 students   Thursday 4 February 9.00 am – 2.00 pm  Year 9 students & Year 13 peer mentors Friday 5 February 8.45 am  All school on full timetable […]

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2020 Senior Prizegiving

It was lovely to see such great community support at our Senior Prizegiving Ceremony on 11 November. This annual event gives us an opportunity to recognise those students who have achieved academic success and contributed to the many areas of school life in 2020. Congratulations to Teh-jah Mead who is our 2020 Dux Litterarum and […]

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Awesome Alumni!

Our Henderson High School alumni are a talented group and current students are enjoying their coaching and mentoring sessions. The sessions were kicked off by Isaac Morunga who led a statistical science interactive session. The tech savvy University of Auckland student, tutor, and scholarship winner, spent Friday afternoon with a group of junior students teaching […]

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Rotary Science & Technology Forum

Year 12’s Jackson and Toa have been accepted into the Rotary Science and Technology Forum taking place in Auckland in January next year. This two week intensive programme exposes high achieving, well rounded science, maths and technology students to a range of incredible science and technology opportunities. This is a fantastic opportunity and we are […]

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