Pō Whakanui

We look forward to seeing students and their whānau involved in the Pō Whakanui tonight. This event is to acknowledge Māori academic achievement and celebrate with whānau. “Mā te mahi tahi, ka ora te kaupapa” By working together, our kaupapa will thrive!   […]

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Celebrating Student Success

Soaring to new heights! Issac recently made his debut in Auckland’s representative basketball season and represents the Waitakere region as a member of their U16 boys’ green team currently competing in the second division of the Supercity competition. It is great to see our students putting in the mahi to achieve their sporting goals. Congratulations […]

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2024 Excellence Breakfast

We are delighted to share the photos from our annual Excellence Breakfast. Early in the morning our school hall was filled with proud whānau celebrating their high-achieving students and enjoying a delicious meal together. It was wonderful to share the academic success and consistent effort of our students who endorsed NCEA with Excellence in 2023. […]

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2024 Athletics Day

Last month our school community came together to compete at our annual Athletics Day. This event is always a highlight of term one and provided our young athletes with the chance to earn points for their school house by joining in the fun activities with their peers. Students jumped high and far, threw shot put, […]

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Celebrating Student Success

Big congratulations to Kyra who recently competed in the Women’s Surf Festival at Pauanui. Kyra is currently sitting in 4th place in the NZ U16 rankings after competing in 5 events and was only 0.29 points from making the 12 member NZ junior surfing team to travel to the World Champs in El Salvador. It […]

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Manuhiri (visitors) from Germany

This week we welcomed manuhiri (visitors) from Germany and Education NZ to our kura with a pōhiri. Our guests learned the history of our marae, whare and wharekai, and gained an insight into our cultural art practices through the traditional art that is seen in our whare. Everyone had a lot of fun learning, playing […]

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Celebrating Student Success

Congratulations to McCahon and Liam from Karekare Surf Lifesaving Club.  In the weekend, the year 12’s qualified to be an IRB (Inflatable rescue boat) driver! We would also like to acknowledge all the surf lifeguards within our school community for the mahi they do keeping us safe on our beautiful west coast beaches. It’s certainly […]

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Road Patrol Team for 2024

Our road patrol students put in the mahi every day to ensure the safety of our students. The team have been completing their training by learning the procedures for setting up and operating the patrol. This is Constable Sarah’s third year working with our school community and providing road safety training with Mrs Catral. Thanks […]

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Whānau Welcome for Year 9 Students

Our Whānau Welcome for Year 9 Students is a highlight of our term one calendar! We are hosting this event on Thursday 22 February from 6pm to 7:30pm. This is a great opportunity to meet your students Form Teacher, Dean and our Senior Leadership Team, as well as enjoy a barbecue meal with our school […]

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Student Leadership Training

Our student leaders had an information packed inspirational overnight workshop at Huia Lodge last week. While the scenery was stunning the coastal experience was just the icing on the cake. Most of the students’ time was spent honing their leadership and team building skills. Deputy principal Mrs Telford and year 13 dean Mr Keene are […]

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