We would like to acknowledge all of our Prizewinners who were recognised at our Year 11 Prizegiving Ceremony today. Congratulations to Erica Boyd who was awarded the SM Kirby Cup as top Year 11 student for 2022! […]
Sports Prizegiving 2022
Earlier this week we celebrated our high performing student athletes at our annual Sports Prizegiving. A special congratulations to Shaun who was named as Dux Ludorum for 2022, our top sporting award! Congratulations to all our sporting superstars, we look forward to seeing you on the courts and fields and pursuing your sporting interests again […]
Te Hapori Whānau Akoranga o Waipareira cultural festival
We were delighted to be able to host the Te Hapori Whānau Akoranga o Waipareira cultural festival last week. Hosting students from our Kahui Ako schools was fantastic and seeing our own students step up and contribute to the day in numerous ways was amazing. From MC to carpark management, our kapa haka performers, to […]
2023 School-Based Teacher Training Programme
Henderson High School is pleased to be part of the Auckland Schools’ Teacher Training programme which sees talented trainee teachers work in top Auckland high schools whilst completing their qualifications. […]
Celebrating our diverse community
Kia ora, talofa lava, namaste, mālō e lelei, hello! Today students were able to wear cultural attire that represented their identity and connections in some way. It was wonderful to see so many colours and designs. As our school value of Kotahitanga outlines, “We are unique and united: We celebrate our diverse community!” […]