4 July 2016 Isaac starts his internship with Phil Twyford tomorrow, which will run through to 7 July. He was one of the few students chosen each year for a Phil Twyford internship, an opportunity which will give Isaac a chance to witness Parliament in action and experience New Zealand politics first hand. Well done […]
What Students Say
29 June 2016 […]
What’s Your Flavour
28 June 2016 Hospitality students were presented with a challenge to design a healthy burger with cultural inspiration. Three teams took on the challenge. On Friday the final battle took place. Three staff members judged the delectable creations. It was a hard call , however Kalele and Anthony stood out from the rest with their […]

What’s Your Flavour
28 June 2016 Hospitality students were presented with a challenge to design a healthy burger with cultural inspiration. Three teams took on the final battle on Friday. Three staff members judged the delectable creations. It was a hard call, however Kalele and Anthony stood out from the rest with their creative and risky flavor combination and […]

NCEA Achievement Hits New High
20 June 2016 Our NCEA achievement in 2015 is excellent by any measure, and as a community we can all take pride in this success. These results confirm that we continue to be a top performing school with achievement rates of 95.7% at Level 1, 98.1% at Level 2 and 94.9% at Level 3. The […]