8 August 2015 Last week 28 of our top dance students traveled to Sydney to compete in the Sydney Eisteddfod Dance Competition, the only international team to attend. They featured in four categories, senior hip-hop, junior hip-hop, contemporary and free form; competing against dozens of other schools. The competition was tough, but they came through, […]
YWCA Leadership Camp
20 July 2016 During the first week of the school holidays year 13 students Maddy, Grace, Shannon, Izzy, Kaitlyn and Kate took part in a four day leadership camp in Rotorua thanks to the Future Leaders programme. This four year mentoring programme, run by the YWCA and facilitated here at Henderson High School, focuses on […]

Our Lizzie Claims a Spot at the Rio Olympics
21 July 2016 Congratulations to alumna Elizabeth Cui for her Olympic selection! Lizzie will be the first diver to represent New Zealand at the Olympics in 24 years. We are so proud and cannot wait for her to show her talents in the 2016 Rio Olympics – now only 30 days away! Best of luck […]

Our Young Enterprisers Lick the Competition
29 July 2016 Following on from their Young Enterprise success, student run business O Lelei will be at the Auckland Food Show this weekend, showcasing their new Al-Ice. The students will be selling their dairy free ice cream in the ‘Made of Auckland’ zone at the show. At only $3.50 a scoop, we’re sure their […]
Isaac Returns From Parliarment
25 July 2016 Last Thursday year 13 student Isaac Morunga returned to Auckland after an internship with local Labour MP Phil Twyford. On his experience in Parliament, this is what Isaac had to say: “My internship with Phil Twyford was the possibly the greatest experience in a professional environment that I could have been given. The […]