31 October 2016 Huge congratulations to two of our student business teams who were prizewinners at the Young Enterprise Scheme Regional Awards held at AUT Business School. MACR Enterprises produce a delicious tumeric and herb pasta, which coupled with their business initiative and know-how won them the Food and Beverage award for West Auckland. Our […]
Our Talent Perform at AUT
25 October 2016 Last Friday a small group of our talented music students were provided with a fabulous opportunity to perform at the Young Enterprise Scheme Awards at AUT’s city campus. The four students were accompanied by Head of Music Mrs Rebekah Norman and performed before and after the awards ceremony. Head Girl Abbytailor was […]

Save the Date – Prizegiving 2016
4 November 2016 Save the date! Henderson High School Senior Prizegiving Ceremony is being held next Friday 4 November at 11am. All welcome. […]
Kapa Haka Takes Flight
17 October 2016 “Mā te huruhuru, ka rere te manu” “Adorn the bird with feathers so it can fly” This whakatauki is a reflection of the true essence of kapa haka. A powerful vehicle for positive transformation for our young Māori students at Henderson High School. Our kapa haka guiding tikanga are manaakitanga, whanaungatanga and […]

Jhack Challenge
24 September 2016 On Saturday 24 September three of our year 11 students, Caroline, Brendon and Charles competed as a team in Jhack, a series of programming challenges in a competition format in a Junior Hackathon. Through developing a game called ‘Contrast’ they won first place in the group section, receiving prizes from Microsoft, JB […]