Careers Week

14 June 2017 On Monday selected Year 13 students spent the day at The University of Auckland where they were treated to a tour of the university campus. The students took part in the NIU Mentoring Programme for Māori and Pacific students, helping them transition into university life and achieve academic success.  The students attended […]

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Auckland Art Gallery Trip

13 June 2017 Last Friday’s trip to the Auckland Art Gallery was a huge hit with the Art and Philosophy students who attended. The thought provoking session posed the question “What is art?” and students were challenged to make sense of art and what defines it.  Deputy Head Girl Coco who has a passion for […]

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Rugby League Star

12 June 2017 Jake’s Rugby League talent continues to shine as he competed at the NZMRL National Rangitahi Tournament in Rotorua this Queen’s Birthday weekend.  His team, the U15’s representing Te Mahurehure Marae (Ngāpuhi iwi) placed third at the tournament and came second overall for their haka.  Jake says it was an amazing experience and […]

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Cheerleading Champ

10 June 2017 Congratulations to Year 11, Daniella for a fantastic result at the recent Global Cheer Games in Hawaii. Her team Mystix Pegasus came third at the event, bringing home bronze medals. […]

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Student Market Day

9 June 2017 The school was a hive of activity when our Year 11 Business students held their Market Day on 31 May. The event was a huge success and students were abuzz as they browsed the different stalls looking to buy a variety of items from food to mobile phone accessories. This hands on […]

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