Ngā Taiohi o Panuku

Nei rā ngaā mihi kia tātou katoa i runga i ngā āhuatanga katoa o te wā. Polyfest, for some students at our kura is their first engagement with Te Ao Māori. It is the doorway that they often walk through that changes their whole lives forever and this years journey was an experience that will […]

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Past Pupils Dinner

              The Henderson High School Past Pupils annual dinner is being held on Saturday 8 May 2021 at Soljans Estate Winery. If you are interested in attending please contact Margaret Woolcott on 833 7802 for details. See you there! […]

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Covid 19 Level 3 Update – School Closure, 1 March – 5 March 2021

28 February 2021 Kia ora koutou, talofa lava Due to the emergence of further confirmed cases of COVID-19 in South Auckland, the Government announced yesterday that the whole of Auckland will move to Alert Level 3 for seven days from 6am this morning. This means that where possible you should keep your children home from […]

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Athletics Day

We were delighted to have our annual Athletics Day at the Trusts Stadium last week and everyone had fun representing their house and competing on the day. Congratulations to Orange house for earning the most points and winning this year’s competition. A huge thank you to Mr Beeston and our PE Department for all their […]

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