Student Spotlight

We are pleased to share with you our next year 9 insight from Phillipa. Find out why she thinks Henderson High School is great! […]

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Congratulations to our amazing Showquest team who performed last night. After weeks of preparation and rehearsal it was definitely a team effort culminating in a fabulous performance. The dancers were on fire and committed to the cause. The costume team pulled the vision together with exceptional hair and make-up. What an epic performance students. You […]

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Student Spotlight

Continuing our Spotlight series, highlighting those who are making a difference at Henderson High School! We are pleased to introduce Head Boy Aurion. […]

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Student Spotlight

We would like to introduce some of our outstanding Year 9 students who help make Henderson High School the place to be. First up is Delson! […]

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Student Spotlight

We are pleased to introduce our 2021 Student Spotlight series, highlighting those who are contributing to the mana of our school and making Henderson High School the place to be! First up is Head Girl Decima. […]

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