Monday sees the start of Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, Māori Language Week, and we have lots of activities planned to celebrate Te Wiki. We will start the week with a karakia and raising of the flags. Other activities include tukutuku in the wharekai on Tūrei/Tuesday, a Te Reo Māori spelling be on Wenerei/Wednesday […]
Category: Uncategorized
Assessment Week
Assessment Week is in full swing and students are enjoying the opportunity to focus on one subject per day while earning NCEA credits. Our Level 1 Hospitality students spent the day honing their culinary skills and creating delectable treats. A great bonus for staff when we get to sample their work! Thanks to Ms Lodge […]
Year 9 Insights
Today’s year 9 insight is from Melanie, who joined us this year from Glen Eden Intermediate. […]
Mountain biking at Woodhill park
Our Level 2 PE classes enjoyed some education outside the classroom when they went mountain biking at Woodhill mountain bike park. This was more than just a fun day out. Our ākonga had the opportunity to apply risk management strategies and earn NCEA credits. They were tested by the terrain and enjoyed an amazing day […]
Netball 2022 season
We had an awesome netball season this year with five of our seven teams placing in the top 3 for their grades which is a huge achievement! Y9 Maroon – 2nd place (A Grade) Coached by Akosita & Salote Y10 Maroon – 1st place (B Grade) Coached by Rachel & Allysha Senior […]