House Tennis Competition

Our sports prefects made a racquet with their house tennis competition in term one! Wade, Rhyin and J sue organised lunchtime events for junior and senior students to compete and earn points for their school house. Everyone involved had a ball and it was great to see our up and coming Wimbledon stars! […]

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End of Term One

We hope you have a restful break, and we look forward to welcoming students back for a successful term two on Monday 29 April.   […]

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Cultural Day Celebrations

As part of our Cultural Day Celebrations students are invited to wear their cultural attire to school tomorrow.  This gold coin donation day has been organised by our prefects and is dedicated to celebrating the unique cultures we have here at school. Students have selected Kidscan as the recipient of donations from this weeks event.  […]

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Pae Tata

Tomorrow our Year 9 students will spend time reinforcing their understanding of our school values: Te Tūāpapa o Panuku. We refer to these activity days as Pae Tata which is an abbreviation of the whakatauki: ko te pae tawhiti- whāia kia tata, ko te pae tata whakamaua kia tīna. This means: Seek to bring distant […]

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Celebrating Student Success

Jacinta recently travelled across the ditch to compete as a member of Auckland’s U16 girls’ hockey squad. They took part in an exchange against New South Wales teams. It was an incredible experience for Waitakere Hockey Club member Jacinta who had the opportunity to play against some of the best up and coming hockey players […]

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