The EPr08 Junior Engineering Competition yesterday was a great test of skill, creativity, and collaboration. Teams raced against the clock and each other to engineer solutions to themed challenges. Competition criteria meant that teams were also tested on their artistic and storytelling abilities. Our 2023 Auckland Junior champions: Carter, Erika, Milly, and Blake took out the […]
Category: Uncategorized
Year 13 Hospitality Assessment
Year 13 hospitality students mastered the art of pasta making as part of their “culinary products and terminology” assessment. This practical experience provided plenty of learning opportunities to expand their knowledge, skills, and creativity in the kitchen. It also enhanced understanding and appreciation of culinary arts and provided them with foundation knowledge for potential vocational […]
Teacher Only Day – Monday 10 June 2024
A reminder that school will be closed for instruction on Monday 10 June for a Teacher Only Day. This Teacher Only Day is allocated by the Ministry of Education to support teachers and kaiako through significant changes in curriculum and assessment. See you on Tuesday! […]
Year Nine Insights
We are pleased to share with you the first in our Student Insight series which introduces some of our Year 9 students who share their impressions of Henderson High School. First up is Eloise who came to Henderson from Bruce McLaren Intermediate. […]
One Day To Go!
One day to go! Opening night of our production is tomorrow. It’s all hands on deck for our backstage team who have been working tirelessly to ensure seamless transitions for the show. A big shoutout to all of the crew members who are involved in the production. Last chance for tickets! Check out our website […]