Year Nine Insights

This week’s Year 9 Insight comes from Maia who came to HHS from Glen Eden Intermediate. […]

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Henderson-Massey Local Board Visit

Nitish and Deziah were invited to a meeting at the Henderson-Massey Local Board to discuss current issues with youth and the events that have been happening recently at various public transport locations. Student representatives from local high schools were given the opportunity to openly express the impact of these issues and how they can create […]

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Chess Tournament

Check mate! Our talented chess players competed in the West Auckland School Chess Championship! It was a fun but pressured event, where most of our students played ‘clock-chess’ for their first time which was a great learning experience. Thanks to Mr Hales for organising the chess club this year! […]

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HHS Careers Day

A huge mihi to all the providers that came to Careers Day and inspired future pathways for our students when they graduate high school.  Students from all years were able to connect and question our guests about options, requirements, and benefits of following their preferred careers. NZ Army were right in the midst of the […]

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Senior School Parent Teacher Interviews

We enjoyed meeting with you all at our Senior School Parent Teacher interviews last week. These interviews provide subject specific feedback for whānau and students, including discussion about reaching academic goals. A huge thank you to our Senior students who donate their time at these events and represent Henderson High School values so well – whanaungatanga, […]

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