Henderson High School – Official Instagram Account
The official Henderson High School Instagram account is @hendhighschool and can be accessed via the QR code below or by clicking on this link: https://www.instagram.com/hendhighschool/ […]
The official Henderson High School Instagram account is @hendhighschool and can be accessed via the QR code below or by clicking on this link: https://www.instagram.com/hendhighschool/ […]
Congratulations to Year 13 students Lauren, Jsevani, Eujeane, Akosita, Alexcis, Erina, Salote, Marana, Yolando and Senerita who recently completed the the Tula’i Ngaue Pasifika Youth Leadership programme. Tula’i Ngāue is a Pacific youth leadership programme that is completed over 15 weeks and draws on the values of those that have gone before us and how […]
Congratulations to the Henderson Junior Boys team for their win against Avondale in the final football game last weekend! Our team have remained undefeated this season and a penalty shoot out secured their place as the champions of the junior boys 14B grade. It has been wonderful to see our athletes thriving across many sporting […]
The Henderson High School Board has begun the process of finding a new school principal. We have enlisted the help of Rowan Johanson and Kay Hawk from the Education Group to assist us. We would like to hear from our school community about the qualities they would like to see in a principal. A survey […]
Malo e lelei everyone, Tonga Language Week is from 18 to 24 August. The theme for this year is ‘E tu’uloa ‘a e Lea faka-Tongá ‘o ka lea’aki ‘i ‘api, siasí (lotú), mo e nofo-‘a-kāingá – The Tongan Language will be sustainable when used at home, church and in the wider community. Celebrating Pacific languages […]