MC4 (Mana Connections) Leadership Programme

Congratulations to Year 12 students Precious, Sam, Luisa, Nahum, Matthias, Harrison, Grace, Lenny, Loyahl, Falaniko, Israel, Esther and Merenaite who successfully completed the MC4 (Mana Connections) Leadership programme. MC4 is an equity focussed mentoring project that exists consisting of a 17-week course to motivate and inspire young Pasifika students to realise their powerful potential and […]

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Autaia Haka Theatre

It was an amazing night at Autaia, a powerful haka theatre with performances from eight kura across Tāmaki. The event included two guest performances by Kura Kaupapa Māori from Te Tatitokerau! A kaupapa created by Hawaiki Tū in 2021 to provide opportunities for students to express themselves through performance. Thanks to Whaea Rere for organizing […]

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Stand Up Stand Out!

Stand Up Stand Out! Our senior band competed in this annual competition involving singers, vocal groups, instrumentalists, bands and dancers from Auckland secondary schools. Head of Music Mrs Norman is extremely impressed with the group’s performances and sees a bright future ahead for the talented musicians. “It was a wonderful experience for them to also […]

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