Ko te amorangi ki mua, ko te hāpai ō ki muri.
The leader is at the front and the supporters are behind the scenes.
A whakataukī that truly reflects the shared success of our Pō Whakanui.
We celebrated Māori academic achievement at our marae. The night started off with a wonderful performance by Ngā Taiohi o Panuku in preparation for their Polyfest performance.
The evening was led by our senior Māori students who read and presented the certificates and ended with a kai outside Tini Whetūmarama.
Ngā mihi nui ki ngā mātua, ngā pā harakeke me ngā kaiako i kaha tautoko, i hāpai ake i o tātou rangatira kia tae rātou ki ngā tiketiketanga o te ao mātauranga!
Kei te takahanga te pitomata – the treasures are in the journey!